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Personal and travel-related advice

Depending on your travel conditions, route and activities, the advice below may apply. Our nurse will advise on this during the vaccination consultation.

  • Vaccination against dengue.
  • Vaccination against rabies.
  • Preventive measures against mosquitoes because of the risk of illnesses like dengue, chikungunya and zika. 

Will you be visiting multiple countries?

Will you be combining your trip to Argentina with a visit to neighboring countries such as Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay or Chile? Then, you should also check the vaccination advice for the following destinations:

Our travel clinic nurse will compile all the recommendations into an individualized vaccination file and provide you with advice on preventing malaria. Once you have been vaccinated and have received the necessary prescriptions, your trip to Argentina can begin! Make an appointment now to receive travel advice.

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Practical info

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Travel pharmacy checklist

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